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Date 17 July 2016

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Location "Fly away" beach


Establishment and strengthening of business communications of subsidiaries managers in order to optimize the efficiency of business processes of the parent company.

Creating a positive and financially stable image of the company.

Strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of horizontal and vertical communications in the company.


Organizing a summer event in the format of a bright festival at one of Moscow beaches. Recreating the atmosphere of the French-Italian coast to emphasize the status of the company and the specifics of the selected site, located in a protected area on the riverbank.


Fantastic and unique flower ship that has no copies in Russia was moored near the main entrance to the site.

Festival activities and entertainment;

The business success of the corporation was symbolized by the route of success, which was visualized through an aquabike show with the participation of Russian champions in extreme sports;

The show with the employees of Sistema JSFC, based on the repertoire of famous French and Italian performers;

Conducting the Award ceremony for the most socially responsible companies of Sistema and rewarding the best volunteers of the corporation;

The launch of air balloons with the wish of the further prosperity of the corporation;

A dance flashmob was organized with the help of video technologies to emphasize the scale and unity of the subsidiaries of the corporation.

Among the participants were employees of Sistema and workers of all corporation companies, regardless of the geography of the business.

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